Hi Parents,
The 8th Grade Camping trip is right around the corner and I am finalizing details. I need RSVPs ASAP!!! As soon as I know the number of people I can complete the food list and split firewood cost. The cost of the rental was covered by the $ the 8th grade raised at the beginning of the year. Food, firewood and our own transportation is all that will need to be covered.
Here are the details: Check in 4pm Sunday June 9th, Check out Tues June 11th @11am. We will meet at the school parking lot at 3pm on Sunday to go over food purchases and carpool if possible. The Old Ranch at Silver Falls State Park. It is a huge old barn with a giant fire pit in the center and a kitchen. Balcony all the way around inside with bunk beds and indoor bathrooms. We will split sides for ladies and gents. For $100 we get bottomless firewood. Private hike behind barn and huge open grass field in front.
Each 8th grader needs an adult responsible for them. If you cannot attend you need to find another willing parent. No siblings please.
One of the reasons this location was picked by the students was proximity. Please feel free to come and go as needed. Stay one night, or both. Stay for the day ect.
What to bring:
Sleeping bag and mat, pillow (bunk beds have no padding at all)
Toiletries, including sunscreen and bug spray
Swimsuit- modest ladies please!!!
Good hiking shoes
Flashlight for tag
The 8th Grade Camping trip is right around the corner and I am finalizing details. I need RSVPs ASAP!!! As soon as I know the number of people I can complete the food list and split firewood cost. The cost of the rental was covered by the $ the 8th grade raised at the beginning of the year. Food, firewood and our own transportation is all that will need to be covered.
Here are the details: Check in 4pm Sunday June 9th, Check out Tues June 11th @11am. We will meet at the school parking lot at 3pm on Sunday to go over food purchases and carpool if possible. The Old Ranch at Silver Falls State Park. It is a huge old barn with a giant fire pit in the center and a kitchen. Balcony all the way around inside with bunk beds and indoor bathrooms. We will split sides for ladies and gents. For $100 we get bottomless firewood. Private hike behind barn and huge open grass field in front.
Each 8th grader needs an adult responsible for them. If you cannot attend you need to find another willing parent. No siblings please.
One of the reasons this location was picked by the students was proximity. Please feel free to come and go as needed. Stay one night, or both. Stay for the day ect.
What to bring:
Sleeping bag and mat, pillow (bunk beds have no padding at all)
Toiletries, including sunscreen and bug spray
Swimsuit- modest ladies please!!!
Good hiking shoes
Flashlight for tag
Rain jacket
glow sticks
Nerf guns and bullets
Games for field and indoors
Indoor crafts (jewery making ect.)
Thanks, Mandi
503.957.9768 call or text